ImmuPharma Plc (LSE:IMM) and happier daze?

#Nasdaq #FTSE  For some reason, a personal impression “peptides” are baddies wasn’t entirely assuaged by a single sentence in the American website WebMD. They wrote “collagen peptides are possible safe”  in an article about their use in skin care, perhaps not the most glowing reference. However, ImmuPharma are a company specialising in the use and development of biopolymers, specifically peptides. Needless to say, some essential reading revealed rather more information than wanted about peptides and their ability to tick boxes in the delivery of medical solutions.

After rapidly educating ourselves above Peptides, our inclination was to cease knitting “Just Stop Peptides” t-shirts, upon discovery the  the chemical group is capable of taking a sneaky route to deliver essential medicines to fix issues with the human body..  From a personal perspective, this is a “good thing” as it’s quite tiresome, when every 4 or 5 years, my body decides to say “nope” to whatever chemotherapy is being given, demanding a regime change to whatever poison is next on the list. It’s certainly strange how the human body will decide to reject a drug, then experience withdrawal effects while you stop taking it. And then, there is a slow build up to acclimatise yourself to the next drug regime, along with its unpleasant side effects which will make themselves known over the next year or two. It is rarely an enjoyable process and any regime which introduces a better way of sneaking poisons into the body gets my somewhat biased vote! Unlike politicians, it appears some peptides can be good!


Judging by share price movements, the company is undoubtedly being talked about on the internet with the visuals “proving” the deramping squad of chatroom  posters me be correct. But there’s something worth paying attention to and it’s a share price twitch which happened on January 9th. Doubtless due to some news perceived as positive (see chart inset), the stock market opted to “gap” the share above the downtrend since late 2020, the initial surge launching the price into quite an interesting zone where some price recovery is possible. By doing this, it appears rabid traders believed the world had changed for the substantially better and perhaps they were right. But from the misty damp corners of internet chatrooms, pearls of wisdom were soon being given, doubting absolutely everything which was going on, percentage gains approaching zonko percent as unreliable and unlikely to stick.

This is one of these daft scenario, where it becomes possible both sides of the argument may be correct!

When we review what the market did on the 9th of this month, it was a statement “this share is no longer viewed as going down”, creating a situation where within minutes, it experienced gains of around 100%. This incredible optimism lasted for almost 4 hours before the share price again accelerated, now driven by buyer demand to complete the session nearly 300% up. Even cynical old hands like ourselves will generally quickly warn this is unsustainable, except for the niggling movement of the market right at the open of trade. When a trend line dating back 5 years is wilfully broken, it always tends mean something important though the speed of price recovery may well prove just a little silly.

From a near term perspective, there is certainly a scenario presenting the threat of “little risk” reversals as we anticipate a bounce at one or the other reversal levels. An immediate perspective suggests weakness next below 2.75p shall prove reversal to 2.2p and hopefully a bounce. It’s certainly be a nice level to anticipate life beginning again. But should 2.2p be broken by any substantial amount, our secondary calculates at 1.31p, a share price level where a bottom firm enough to attract a UK politicians interest should appear! Such a target matches the historical level of trend break early in January, logic alone demanding a rebound should it appear. We tend favour the initial target around 2.2p as a bounce point, visually, it makes more sense.


However, should things continue to go right for LSE:IMM, above just 3.6 should prove significant, in a perfect world triggering further movement to an initial 4.25 with secondary at a visually important 5.65, this launching the share price into a zone where a future Long Term 8.9p could be dreamed of.






Time Issued Market Price At Issue Short Entry Fast Exit Slow Exit Stop Long Entry Fast Exit Slow Exit Stop Prior
11:20:45PM BRENT 8197.2 Success
11:25:06PM GOLD 2697.38 Success
11:27:57PM FTSE 8323.2 8250 8218 8179 8288 8331 8357 8390 8309 Success
11:42:31PM STOX50 5042.5 Success
11:45:57PM GERMANY 20653.5 Success
11:50:46PM US500 5959.1 Success
11:43:34PM DOW 43294 Success
11:46:31PM NASDAQ 21254.3 21079 21017 20926 21239 21290 21352 21469 21103 Success
11:48:49PM JAPAN 38764 38556 38452 38286 38771 38941 39076 39360 38648
15/01/2025 FTSE Closed at 8301 points. Change of 1.22%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 6,109,137,300 a change of -9.61%
14/01/2025 FTSE Closed at 8201 points. Change of -0.28%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 6,758,270,581 a change of 5.88%
13/01/2025 FTSE Closed at 8224 points. Change of -0.3%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 6,383,033,146 a change of 23.46%
10/01/2025 FTSE Closed at 8249 points. Change of -0.84%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 5,170,108,064 a change of -6.19%
9/01/2025 FTSE Closed at 8319 points. Change of 11.63%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 5,511,068,613 a change of -13.81%
8/01/2025 FTSE Closed at 7452 points. Change of -9.62%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 6,394,228,390 a change of 16.2%
7/01/2025 FTSE Closed at 8245 points. Change of -0.05%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 5,502,690,636 a change of 7.78%

SUCCESS above means both FAST & SLOW targets were met. ‘CESS means just the FAST target met and probably the next time it is exceeded, movement to the SLOW target shall commence.

Our commentary is in two sections. Immediately below are today’s updated comments. If our commentary remains valid, the share can be found in the bottom section which has a RED heading. Hopefully, this will mean you no longer need to flip back through previous reports. HYPERLINKS DISABLED IN THIS VERSION

Please remember, all prices are mid-price (halfway between the Buy and Sell). When we refer to a price CLOSING above a specific level, we are viewing the point where we can regard a trend as changing. Otherwise, we are simply speculating on near term trading targets. Our website is

UPDATE. We often give an initial and a secondary price. If the initial is exceeded, we still expect it to fall back but the next time the initial is bettered, the price should continue to the secondary. The converse it true with price drops.

We can be contacted at Spam filters set to maximum so only legit emails get through…

Section One – Outlook Updated Today. Click here for Section Two – Outlook Remains Valid shares

Click Epic to jump to share: LSE:AML Aston Martin** **LSE:BARC Barclays** **LSE:GKP Gulf Keystone** **LSE:HSBA HSBC** **LSE:IAG British Airways** **LSE:IGG IG Group** **LSE:SMT Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust** **LSE:STAN Standard Chartered** **


Updated charts published on : Aston Martin, Barclays, Gulf Keystone, HSBC, British Airways, IG Group, Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust, Standard Chartered,

LSE:AML Aston Martin. Close Mid-Price: 102.8 Percentage Change: + 1.58% Day High: 102.5 Day Low: 97

Continued weakness against AML taking the price below 97 calculates as le ……..

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View Previous Aston Martin & Big Picture ***

LSE:BARC Barclays. Close Mid-Price: 280.95 Percentage Change: + 6.50% Day High: 282.45 Day Low: 267.7

Target met. In the event of Barclays enjoying further trades beyond 282. ……..

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LSE:GKP Gulf Keystone. Close Mid-Price: 166.3 Percentage Change: + 1.46% Day High: 167 Day Low: 163

Target met. In the event of Gulf Keystone enjoying further trades beyond ……..

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LSE:HSBA HSBC. Close Mid-Price: 804.4 Percentage Change: + 0.65% Day High: 809.9 Day Low: 796.4

Target met. All HSBC needs are mid-price trades ABOVE 809.9 to improve ac ……..

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LSE:IAG British Airways. Close Mid-Price: 317 Percentage Change: + 2.46% Day High: 317.7 Day Low: 307.7

In the event of British Airways enjoying further trades beyond 317.7, th ……..

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LSE:IGG IG Group. Close Mid-Price: 1023 Percentage Change: + 2.20% Day High: 1026 Day Low: 1007

Target met. In the event of IG Group enjoying further trades beyond 1026, ……..

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LSE:SMT Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust. Close Mid-Price: 1012.5 Percentage Change: + 2.25% Day High: 1017 Day Low: 987.4

Target met. Continued trades against SMT with a mid-price ABOVE 1017 shou ……..

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View Previous Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust & Big Picture ***

LSE:STAN Standard Chartered. Close Mid-Price: 1056.5 Percentage Change: + 3.33% Day High: 1061 Day Low: 1027

Target met. Further movement against Standard Chartered ABOVE 1061 should ……..

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View Previous Standard Chartered & Big Picture ***

*** End of “Updated Today” comments on shares.

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