YouGov Plc (LSE:YOU) around 427 at time of writing.

#Gold #Stoxx50  We’d suspected the rolling pandemic of elections around the world were going to provide a bumper year for the polling company, YouGov. This illusion was shattered, when the company issued a profit warning on 20th June, a point when everything went south for the share price, the market moving it from 800p to 576p in the blink of an eye. It transpires the bread and butter of YouGov’s income actually comes from surveys carried out for companies into their customer behaviour, a business area which has seen a reduction in contracts apparently.

It actually makes some sense, if slicing the logic for a survey down to absolute basics.

“Q; Why Are Our Sales Down?”

“A; Your Prices Are Too High!”

It’s not exactly rocket science and doubtless quite a few organisations opted not to waste money seeking answers which were literally written in the sky, if you count jet contrails. Alternately, it appears far easier to find parking spaces at the major supermarkets, yet Aldi and Lidl can be a real nuisance. In any case, Aldi is worth it, just for their Wagyu beef burgers!


We’ve a reasonable suspicion YouGov share price may have discovered a floor at the 400p level. This scenario shall be confirmed, if movement above just 435p should trigger recovery to an initial 450p with our secondary, if exceeded, at 488p. At such a level, it becomes essential for the share to close a session above 488p to confirm bottom is “in”, effectively painting a future 559 as a viable third level target. Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to project any recovery capable of moving the share above the Red uptrend since 2016.

Should trouble be brewing, the share price needs vote below 400p as it risks a freefall to 182 and a probable “ultimate bottom”, a price level below which we cannot calculate.





Time Issued Market Price At Issue Short Entry Fast Exit Slow Exit Stop Long Entry Fast Exit Slow Exit Stop Prior
11:02:21PM BRENT 8700.2
11:07:13PM GOLD 2356.74 2319 2298 2276 2340 2366 2378 2426 2320 Success
11:11:46PM FTSE 8186.5
11:13:35PM STOX50 4972 4925 4907 4883 4945 4980 4992 5033 4954
11:16:30PM GERMANY 18399.9 Success
11:19:48PM US500 5531.9 ‘cess
11:23:26PM DOW 39292 ‘cess
11:26:39PM NASDAQ 20168 ‘cess
11:28:57PM JAPAN 40671 Success


3/07/2024 FTSE Closed at 8171 points. Change of 0.62%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 6,692,388,368 a change of 28.25%
2/07/2024 FTSE Closed at 8121 points. Change of -0.55%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 5,218,218,449 a change of 8.89%
1/07/2024 FTSE Closed at 8166 points. Change of 0.02%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 4,792,112,455 a change of -7.38%
28/06/2024 FTSE Closed at 8164 points. Change of -0.18%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 5,173,992,876 a change of 2.7%
27/06/2024 FTSE Closed at 8179 points. Change of -0.56%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 5,037,946,434 a change of -10.36%
26/06/2024 FTSE Closed at 8225 points. Change of -0.27%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 5,620,185,904 a change of 8.13%
25/06/2024 FTSE Closed at 8247 points. Change of -0.41%. Total value traded through LSE was: £ 5,197,523,885 a change of -1.46%

SUCCESS above means both FAST & SLOW targets were met. ‘CESS means just the FAST target met and probably the next time it is exceeded, movement to the SLOW target shall commence.

Our commentary is in two sections. Immediately below are today’s updated comments. If our commentary remains valid, the share can be found in the bottom section which has a RED heading. Hopefully, this will mean you no longer need to flip back through previous reports. HYPERLINKS DISABLED IN THIS VERSION

Please remember, all prices are mid-price (halfway between the Buy and Sell). When we refer to a price CLOSING above a specific level, we are viewing the point where we can regard a trend as changing. Otherwise, we are simply speculating on near term trading targets. Our website is

UPDATE. We often give an initial and a secondary price. If the initial is exceeded, we still expect it to fall back but the next time the initial is bettered, the price should continue to the secondary. The converse it true with price drops.

We can be contacted at Spam filters set to maximum so only legit emails get through…

Section One – Outlook Updated Today. Click here for Section Two – Outlook Remains Valid shares

Click Epic to jump to share: LSE:AVCT Avacta** **LSE:BME B & M** **LSE:CAR Carclo** **LSE:IAG British Airways** **LSE:SDY Speedyhire** **


Updated charts published on : Avacta, B & M, Carclo, British Airways, Speedyhire,

LSE:AVCT Avacta. Close Mid-Price: 58.75 Percentage Change: + 5.29% Day High: 61.5 Day Low: 55

Target met. Continued trades against AVCT with a mid-price ABOVE 61.5 sho ……..

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LSE:BME B & M Close Mid-Price: 435.9 Percentage Change: -0.84% Day High: 441.5 Day Low: 433.7

If B & M experiences continued weakness below 433.7, it will invariably l ……..

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LSE:CAR Carclo. Close Mid-Price: 20.05 Percentage Change: + 1.26% Day High: 21 Day Low: 20

In the event of Carclo enjoying further trades beyond 21, the share shoul ……..

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LSE:IAG British Airways. Close Mid-Price: 173.35 Percentage Change: + 5.51% Day High: 173.4 Day Low: 164.35

#Continued weakness against IAG taking the price below 159 calculates as l ……..

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LSE:SDY Speedyhire. Close Mid-Price: 35.1 Percentage Change: + 0.29% Day High: 36.2 Day Low: 34.85

All Speedyhire needs are mid-price trades ABOVE 36.2 to improve accelerat ……..

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*** End of “Updated Today” comments on shares.

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